Uma das melhores decisões que tomei na minha vida, foi fazer um programa de coaching com a Aurora. (..) Foi um processo quase de renascimento, do qual saio mais feliz (…)

Gustavo Costa - Content Producer

One of the best decisions I made in my life was to do a coaching programme with Aurora. In reality, it was a guided journey of self-knowledge that allowed me to look at myself and the world with another perspective that is truly mine. Discover and rediscover values, beliefs, characteristics and strengths. Identify ingrained habits, understand the power of thoughts, understand the reason for the actions that follow them, and what emotions arise from them.

In the end, it was almost a process of rebirth, from which I emerge happier. I leave ready for an everlasting inner growth, based on solid foundations, conscious plans and a perspective of intrapersonal acceptance that allows me to place each piece of the puzzle that is life in the exact place I want.

Being someone named Aurora to gift me with the tools necessary to overcome a twilight of ingrained habits created by myself was a happy irony, for which I feel enormous gratitude.
