When we let the autopilot take over our lives, we allow the way we perceive events to sometimes not be the most favourable. Our whole internal system is built for survival. Everything that is negative automatically enters our immediate perception. It is as if we had a lens that filters everything we perceive. This mechanism was repeated so many times that it consolidated these neurological pathways. That is why it has entered the autopilot system.
Our well-being is closely linked to what we pay attention to. If we pay more attention to negative things those are the experiences that will be stored in our memory. It is therefore important to store positive memories. It doesn't mean that you don't pay attention to bad experiences. But we don't need them to dominate our lives.
Positive Psychology is a field of psychology, which develops a scientific approach to the study of human thoughts, emotions and behaviours, focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses. Positive Psychology studies are geared towards enhancing the good in life rather than merely repairing the bad. It aims to improve (...)
Mindfulness is entering into the stillness of the being, away from the unconscious mechanism of the chain of thoughts, emotions and successive behaviours in which we habitually navigate. Mindfulness is the here and now. Without judgement, without mental constructions, in the purity and authenticity of one's primary experience. As the reflective and self-reflective beings that we are, we function with our focus (...)
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of the subjective experience of human beings and how to use this knowledge to enrich our choices. This study explores how we process information from our experiences, how we connect them with the personal meaning we attach to them and how this results in our behaviour.
The 3 Pillar Method is an extremely complete method, which integrates the knowledge of NLP, Mindfulness and Positive Psychology. It allows you, in the same journey, to have access to a highly effective combination of tools and techniques from these different areas. Through a structured journey, you will be the explorer discovering yourself, your talents, your creativity, your purpose.