Personal development

"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In this space lies the power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

Viktor E. Frankl


This quote by Viktor Frankl, summarises the objectives of the various Programmes I offer you.

Finding the space where the possibilities lie for finding your best responses to the stimuli that life offers you, so that you can have a personal development that leads you to satisfaction, joy and to your freedom.

In any of the Programmes or in individual sessions, with the 3 Pillar Method, through a generative transformation, you will: transformação generativa, vai:

  • Touch your Essence

Go beyond the Ego. Beyond the Self. You will become aware of and connect with your true identity, your essence.

  • Finding the moments of stillness

These moments of stillness allow you to be ready and available for whatever arises. You will find the most suitable way for you, to practice accessing that ‘magical’ space between stimulus and response, so that those moments become automatic and an integral part of your way of living.

  • Decoding and transforming your self-concept

Identifying the strategies that you have been using to think about yourself and that prevent you from acting according to your values and your authenticity, gives you the possibility to transform them into effective strategies that respect your identity and enhance your results. The way you construct what you think about yourself conditions the way you perceive, understand and connect with what surrounds you.

  • Free yourself from chains

You will dissolve and integrate what has conditioned and prevented you from living your genuine and authentic way of being. All behaviour has a positive intention at its origin. Its manifestation is sometimes neither the most appropriate nor the most effective. You will discover those positive intentions behind behaviours that prevent you from moving forward and achieving your goals and find more aligned ways with your being to manifest them.

  • Discover how to unleash your full potential

You will be able to create new empowering and limitless beliefs, access resourceful states that enhance your creativity, focus, well-being and personal fulfilment.

  • Transforming in a sustainable way

Living in alignment with your identity and your values will allow you to consistently adopt a clearer vision of yourself and your intentions. You will discover new behaviours, a positive internal dialogue that is your ally, and new habits that support the positive intentions you have for yourself and for manifesting.

  • Building new paths and opening up to the world

Free of constraints, you will be able to manifest yourself from your Essence, find your purpose and put it into practice in your daily life. Step into being in charge of your life, giving it meaning.


I propose a journey where you will benefit from a simple, gentle and effective transformation process that will open the door to a life with more joy, love, creativity and fulfilment.

Together we will give attention to all areas of your life and you will:

  • Free yourself from what you don't need and what is harmful to you - beliefs, negative internal dialogue, fears, guilt, anger, frustration or stress;
  • Set new habits of behaviour and thoughts that are in line with your identity and that will bring you more peace of mind, satisfaction and motivation;
  • Clarify your Vision and Mission, and, find the confidence to express them to the world;
  • Unleash your creativity and your capacity for expression;
  • Conquer your internal dialogue so that it works in your favour;
  • Discover the accesses to resource states that will enable you to act with authenticity, confidence and creativity;
  • Acquire a set of tools that will accompany you in your future life and ensure that you face challenging situations in a healthy way, in line with your identity and values;
  • Feel a huge connection in all areas of your life and a great sense of well-being and fulfilment;
  • Activate your essence, shine and impact the world.


It will be a gentle journey, with maximum respect for yourself and your reality. You will get in touch with your Profound Structure and awaken your authenticity. You will become aware of your deepest Self. You will immerse within yourself, get in touch with your essence and clarify what is really important to you. You will acquire peace of mind and security to deal with the challenges you encounter, to have balance in your relationships and in the various areas of your life. You will find ways to manifest your potential, your creativity, your unique gift and the motivation to create new paths and achieve your goals. You will give meaning to your life.

Through data and evidence from neuroscience and the approaches of Mindfulness, NLP and Positive Psychology, you will have an insight into how your brain and nervous system work, how you build your strategies, making it easier to understand your current state and what to do, how to do and what you need to achieve your desired state.

Some of the models and techniques used:

  • Breathing;
  • Guided meditations;
  • Mindfulness exercises;
  • Vision, Mission and Values;
  • Neurological levels;
  • Timeline;
  • Meta-States;
  • Sub-modalities;
  • Self-concept and self-image;
  • Techniques for working Parts;
  • Techniques for working Beliefs;
  • Visualisation;
  • Creation of new habits;
  • Affirmations;
  • Somatic Syntax.


If you feel you live with any or some of these situations:

  • You have reactions and behaviours that are undesirable and cause you discomfort and/or anxiety;
  • You don't have time for yourself;
  • A sense of emptiness accompanies you;
  • You feel discouraged;
  • Bad things always happen to you;
  • You live focused on your mistakes and always want to be/do everything perfect;
  • You rarely get to say what you want;
  • You always put others first;
  • When you go to sleep you are assaulted by innumerable thoughts that take away the necessary and deserved rest;
  • You are too hard on yourself;
  • You have difficulty in moving forward to achieve your goals;
  • Or that you can grow and make your life even better.

I invite you to come and work with me. The 3 Pillar Method is for you.


Book here your first free session.

Individual sessions

  • In person or online
  • 1st free session - 30 minutes

Individual programmes

  • Presence - 10 sessions
  • Positive life - 6 sessions


  • Presence:
    • Level 1 - Essence
    • Level 2 - Manifestation
  • Positive life
  • Essential communication
  • Vision, Mission and Roles
